Tuesday, December 27, 2005

So long X-Mas

The days following the passing of Christmas are always a bummer. The decorations are still up, the department stores still play Christmas carols, but ya know, it’s all empty.

It’s like being at a funeral for a really popular friend. Or a parent.

Yeah, a parent.

Daddy New Year is still there for you, but he kind of drinks a lot, and his liver ain’t too good.

Oh, well. At least in heaven, it’s Christmas every day. Being dead must rock.

Friday, December 23, 2005

Rock the vote!

Here's a little experiment... I want each and every one of you to go to the Statesboro Herald on-line poll and vote.

Trust me, there's a right answer. This is shamelessly lifted from Dailykos, but:

Sen. John Cornyn: "None of your civil liberties matter much after you're dead."

Sen. Russ Feingold's retort: "Give me liberty or give me death."

Also, this'll help a bit towards seeing how popular the ol' Stouthouse is, and just how many people it would take to convince the Herald's publisher that the town is a bastion of good ol' Southern liberalism.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005


So in doing research for yet another look at the alcohol ordinances in Statesboro, I join facebook.com.

I thought it was only for current students, not dried-up ones like me. Turns out I was wrong. Alumni can join.

I found this picture going through groups dedicated to my illustrious Georgia Southern University.I may just have to change my position on the alcohol ordinances...

Thursday, December 08, 2005


I got an e-mail yesterday from an ex-girlfriend. We're still on good terms, and she recently had her first child.

Stop thinking that. Not that ex-girlfriend.

Anyway, she sent the following picture, captioned as "Jack's first 'big boy' pictures." She also included the admonition "and Jake - no Photoshop shenanigans!"

The gauntlet had been thrown down.


Plus this:

Equals this:

She wasn't offended. In fact, she seems to have loved the work.

Monday, December 05, 2005


Found this picture going through my hard drive. I'm pretty sure it has some psychological significance, but I'm not sure what...

Yes, that's me... and, uhm... me. At roughly 13-14ish and 24-25ish, respectively.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Woo Hoo!

Today, America celebrates the execution of the 1,000th person since the death penalty was reinstated back in the 70s. When the guy was strapped down to get poked with the needle of death, I wonder if alarms went off, accompanied by balloons and confetti streaming down from the ceiling. Or at least a couple of clowns. That would have been cool. Bet the guy would have felt better, too.

Proponents say that beyond needing to stick to the old “eye for an eye” rule, executions are necessary because of prison over crowding.

That’s not really a valid argument considering that 1,000 people executed since 1977 averages out to about thirty people killed a year.

Yeah, that’s really helping to keep the population in check. Thousands going in every year, but don’t worry, we got thirty extra spaces last year.

Just come out and say it: Americans think it's kind of fun to kill people.