Saturday, July 23, 2005

Vanity, thy name is...

I'll hand it to the guys on the other side of my duplex. They've calmed down a lot. After I had the talk about the rebel flag they were flying on the front porch and after about the fifth or tenth time walking over there at 3 a.m. to explain to them their parties were getting loud, they've been pretty calm.

They fixed the truck, too.

All the same, I couldn't help feeling a twinge of happiness when I saw a big ol' moving truck backed up to the front door this afternoon.

The landlord says two girls are moving in on the other side. Girls are good. They don't have loud parties. Sometimes they bake cookies and share. They don't make weird smells that waft through the shared wall.

And just so you know, the site isn't abandoned.

However, I may be regaining back in mid-August, and if that happens, this site will be moving there - be prepared to update your bookmarks and links accordingly should that happen.

Yeah, like anyone links to this.

See, I used to have both and I was a little lax in renewing the .com domain back in 2003, and some speculator got it out from under me. Never even put a site there, the punk. It expires Aug. 20, and I've got it backordered.

I've also launched, for more professional pursuits (y'know, "hire me to play piano or take pictures!"). If you have enough slavish devotion to me to want an e-mail addy, just let me know.

Anybody know a good place where I can get dark blue business cards with dark blue writing? I like the idea of having solid-colored cards that, when held just right in the light, read ""

Jeez... I shouldn't have written the e-mail addy. My first message received is going to be spam.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

WVGS redux.

I've finally hosted some pictures from WVGS' last night in student hands here.

Yeah, captions probably would have been nice, but I was in a hurry.

If you're wondering what the big deal's about, someone covered it much more eloquently than I. Also, Scott's written a fond remembrance of those heady (and for me, personally embarassing) WVGS days.

Friday, July 08, 2005

Some days I freakin' love this job.

Anatomy of a great Friday:

That's 1,400 pounds of illegal fireworks confiscated from stores selling them in Southeast Georgia. If it shoots sparks, it's cool. If it blows up or shoots into the air, it's not.

John Oxendine, our state insurance and fire commissioner. "Look at this! 'Blond Joke.' This is aimed at children!"

He didn't seem impressed when I mentioned the multiple violations of intellectual property rights stemming from the photos on the box.

That's two things China's doing really well these days (besides driving up the cost of steel): makin' pretty gunpowder and bootlegging copyrighted American stuff. God bless 'em.

That's a five foot (roughly) trench, lined with diesel-soaked cardboard. They carefully hurled the fireworks into said trench, taking care to make sure most of them weren't aimed upwards. Then the 1,400 pounds of sparkly fire goodness was covered with a few wooden pallets.




Wednesday, July 06, 2005

What an odd thing to find in the Herald parking lot today. It would seem that my suspicions are correct, and in fact the advertising sales force has turned to Santeria to get their numbers up.
Copyright Jake Hallman/all rights reserved

Friday, July 01, 2005

C'est la morte

WVGS is dead. Long live WVGS.