Monday, June 20, 2005

Here's something I find useful.

Been to Free hosting forever for your multimedia files - that's your multimedia files, not your illicit .mp3 collection or... er... interesting movies.

I've got a ton of unfinished, close-to-finished and abandoned work on the hard drive at home. In addition to being a nifty offsite backup, I think I'll start making them accessible to all of yas.

To start with, here's the (unfinished) 'Boro theme (1 meg or so .mp3) - the inimitable Brady was going to create either a TV show, short film, feature movie, music video, graphic novel, screenplay, weekly entertainment newspaper, radio drama or improvisational theater piece, depending on when and where you spoke with him about a year ago.

Seems like nothing panned out for him, but somewhere in the process I did a little music at his request. It's rough, but kind of catchy, with a serious Ren and Stimpy influence.

Oh, and lest I forget - here's some of my old stuff. Ignore the picture of me in vinyl pants.

1 comment:

DaDeacon said...

WOW this "Boro" song is great and yes very old nicktoons!