Friday, July 08, 2005

Some days I freakin' love this job.

Anatomy of a great Friday:

That's 1,400 pounds of illegal fireworks confiscated from stores selling them in Southeast Georgia. If it shoots sparks, it's cool. If it blows up or shoots into the air, it's not.

John Oxendine, our state insurance and fire commissioner. "Look at this! 'Blond Joke.' This is aimed at children!"

He didn't seem impressed when I mentioned the multiple violations of intellectual property rights stemming from the photos on the box.

That's two things China's doing really well these days (besides driving up the cost of steel): makin' pretty gunpowder and bootlegging copyrighted American stuff. God bless 'em.

That's a five foot (roughly) trench, lined with diesel-soaked cardboard. They carefully hurled the fireworks into said trench, taking care to make sure most of them weren't aimed upwards. Then the 1,400 pounds of sparkly fire goodness was covered with a few wooden pallets.




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