Saturday, August 06, 2005

More like a Google pinata, really.

Everyone, I need your help. If you haven't heard of the phenomenon of "Google bombing," you may want to familiarize yourself by following the link.

I find myself in a difficult position. If you google the phrase "Jake Hallman," the number one search result isn't It's a news story about a Jake Hallman who's an English major in college in Boston.

I've spoken to her. She's very nice.

That's sick. Stop thinking that.

Anyway, nice though she is, she shall not have my rightful number one search ranking. Here's what I need all of you with Web sites and blogs to do: throw a link somewhere that links the phrase "Jake Hallman" to

Like this: "Jake Hallman asked me to help him googlebomb himself."

For bonus points, you can link other words to it, too: "It shows that he's rather neurotic and insecure."

I don't care about the other words - just get "Jake Hallman" linked to and make me a Google superstar!

1 comment:

Jake said...

Probably not many. It's not like "Jake Hallman" is a common search term.