Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Chris and TV

So far, there are only two TV shows that have me really excited this season. Which isn't bad, I guess, as I won't be glued to the TV as much this season. I can do things like write and have sex.

"Lost" rocks, no two ways about it. And what's even better is that a lot of the guys that work on it are either hard core comic book fans or they're former Joss Whedon alumni and it shows in every episode. I was worrind that it wouldn't be as good as it was last season, and it still could suck, but one episode is down and it looks as good as ever.

Then other show I'm digging is "My Name is Earl." I don't know if the shows is great or not, but anything that has Brody in it can't be that bad in my book. Anyway, it actually is pretty funny and makes trashy people even funnier, which is a feat, because trashy people are always funny.

However, I am worried about "Alias." True, it hasn't aired yet, but any time a real life pregnancy is worked into a TV show, bad things happen. See "Angel" when they knocked Cordelia up. Besides, the teasers for the new season are lame at best, with Jennifer Garner making obnoxious comments about her hormones. Wow. How original. A moody pregnant lady.

You know what would be original? An episode where Sidney gets kicked in the stomach too hard by Sark or maybe even Sloan, resulting in the baby spilling out right there on screen. I wonder how much spying and butt kicking you can do when there's a fetus on the ground with an umbilical cord disappearing up your skirt. Seriously, I do.


Jake said...

Jesus, dude.

D said...

I wanted to watch "Earl", but it comes on opposite Supernatural. I know, I know... it's the WB/adolescent version of the X-Files, but it's actually pretty good. And Smallville is kicking some ass too.