Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Chris in Space

I talked to Jake about this last night, but it’s still bugging me.

NASA announced their plans for how they’re going to get a man back on the moon. Keep in mind, it has been more than 30 years since the last Apollo mission, and by the time we actually go back, well, tack two more decades to that number.

My point is, NASA is planning on going back to what worked and strapping a pod to a rocket and aiming it towards the moon then lighting it up. The same thing they started doing back in the 60s.

Now, Jake says this is still the best way to get a guy to the moon, but I don’t think I agree with him. Yes, I know that Jake is an infinite well of trivial knowledge, and can prove me wrong on just about anything in less than two Google searches, but I’m going to go out on a limb and formally disagree with him.

So take that, Reverend.

We are human beings. We are the creatures that harnessed the power of the sun. We can adapt to any environment on Earth. We can record ourselves having sex and post it on the internet. There is nothing more powerful than the human imagination.

And the best we can do is strapping a dude to a rocket and aiming it at the sky?

What happened to us? Are we so creatively bankrupt that we’re content on relying on the old way of doing things just because it’s easier than coming up with something new? If we put our minds to it, I know we can come up with something much better than a rocket.

Do you know who I blame? Bruce Willis, that’s who.

Ever since “Die Hard” came out, every big studio action movie has been a just a shallow remake. Oh, they may look different on the surface, but they’re all “Die Hard.” No one wants to find new ways to blow things up. That, my friends, has translated into other facets of American life, and obviously NASA isn’t immune.

Damn you Bruce Willis. Damn you to Hell.

1 comment:

D said...

So we have a new approach to shifting the blame: when in doubt blame Bruce Willis. I like it. It goes along with one of my other mottos: when in doubt push a bunch of buttons.