Monday, September 19, 2005

The Chris Files- Take 3

So if this works, it will be third time in one day that I have posted the same entry.
Here goes nothing.
Been bad about keeping up with the blogging. Maybe it's because I get lazy about it, maybe it's because the word "blog" sounds like what I do in the Brunswick News men's room round about 8:30 every morning. Whatever. No more excuses. I owe it to you all seeing as how most of you I haven't seen in years. Keeping it real for the fans and all that.
Everything stays the same. Still married, still a reporter, still searching for the anti-life equation.


Jake said...

When you find the equation, could you use it on blog-spammers?

Hmmm... "Crisis on Infinite Blogs" has a nice ring to it.

D said...

I prefer "The Secret Blogs".

The Icon said...

I'm going to go with "Crisis on Infinite Blogs." More fitting really when you look at the amount of blogs out there.

Huh. Think I'm going to write a blog entry on that...