Monday, October 03, 2005

Fall of the Icon

Jesus Christ, when did autumn get here?

Seriously, like, just yesterday it felt like high noon on Arrakis, now we have leaves changing colors. Not that I mind, but a little warning would be nice. You hear me mother nature? Yeah, I'm talking to you, you old ninny. It's called manners, okay? Learn'em. Love'em. Use'em.

Speaking of manners, doesn't Harriet Miers' face look like a sun beaten turd that's learned to smile? Or is that just me?

It is just me?



D said...

You mess w/ Mother Nature and she comes and whacks your car like in the commercial. I always liked how the deer just took off when she lost it. It was like "I'll have no part of this, you crazy old hag. You can take that filthy, little racoon down with you if you want; but Bambi stays clean."


The Icon said...


D said...

I take it you havent seen that commercial on TV.