Thursday, October 06, 2005

Live long in infamy!

Everyone fantasizes about saving the world. Doesn’t matter who you are, male or female, black or white at some point, be it actively while slaving away in front of the computer at work or right before you drift off to sleep.

Everyone wants to save the world.

People want that Superman moment. That moment right before everything goes to Hell, and you know it’s all down to you.

Then you do it. The moment arrived, and you stepped up. Humanity marches into the future because of you.

But I have a different fantasy.

I want to be the guy who spoils everything. Oh, not that I’m wishing extinction on the human race. Far from it. After all, if humanity completely died out, who would talk about that guy Chris Brennaman who ruined things for everyone way back when?

And I’m not talking about having the opportunity to save the world and boffing it. No, I want my direct actions to cause a cataclysmic event. Nothing like a super villain, but like, when it’s over, I’m left saying “well it seemed like a good idea...”

Science experiment gone wrong. Social programs collapsing in on themselves. Something big that would have been a good thing had it worked out.

My birth would be used to mark a new calendar, so great would my catastrophe be. Before Brennaman, and After Brennaman. That is how much damage I want to inadvertently do the world.

Everyone wants to save the world. I wouldn’t mind ending it. Just for a little while at least.

1 comment:

D said...

I have my "Secret Wars" fantasy/day dream: I'm pulled out of my hum-drum existance to save the world yet again, yet doomed to be mind-wiped and never to remember what a bad-ass I am.