Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Meanwhile, on Earth-2

I am Uatu, the Watcher! While it is my lot to watch this Earth from my lonely citadel on the moon, it is well within my power to peak into the multiverse at events that could have been. Look with me now, as we see just what may have transpired in the lives of everyone you know and love!

Jake Hallman: The youngest ever Chairman of the Republican National Committee, Jake Hallman pushes for every right wing issue that comes to his attention. For him, the liberal conspiracy is not only real, but is ever present and threatens the moral fiber of the nation. Devoutly religious, he is a former Baptist minister. Hallman believes that the teaching of evolution is a threat to Christianity, that homosexuality is a perverse sin and that women have no place beyond the home. He is considered to be a front runner for Republican nomination for president in 2012.

Tiffany Brennaman: Two years into her academic career at Macon College, during one of her rifle classes, Tiffany Domingos found that she was quite the marksman. So did the CIA. Recruited to be a spy, Tiffany spends her time cheating death on a daily basis. To her peers, she is patriot. To those in the know, she is an international terrorist, selling arms and information to the highest bidder. She makes a fool of the CIA on a daily basis, yet no one is the wiser.

Crystal Delaurentis: Raised in an Amish community in Pennsylvania, Crystal is married to her childhood beau Ezekiel. Every morning, she rises at dawn to set about doing her chores. She is the proud mother of five sons and three daughters.

Derek Stoddard: In a single wide trailer in Statesboro Georgia, Derek passes the time by watching his four illegitimate sons play in the front yard. Married and divorced three times now, Derek has a Zen-like peace with his lot in life. Nothing bothers him. He didn’t fret when the bank took his truck. He didn’t lose sleep when he got laid off from the mill. He didn’t flinch when he was diagnosed with syphilis. Ever since he gave up drinking, life has been good for him.

Logan Thomas: Four years ago, Logan Thomas disappeared into the wilds of Montana, never to be heard from again. Rumors say he has taken to the mountains, living a rugged life that would kill most people. But those are just rumors.

David Brennaman: By the time he was in the eighth grade, David knew that he was meant for something bigger than himself. Shortly after college, he entered into the seminary. As a Catholic priest, David served God as faithfully as any servant ever has. When scandal broke out in the church, though, David was quick to condemn these actions openly. Chastised by the bishop, David was defrocked. He now witnesses on street corners and holds mass every night in the cemetery to a congregation of bums and hobos.

Chris Brennaman: Died in utero.


D said...

Jesus. Jesus Christ. How could you do that to me? I mean, to make me give up drinking. You'd think that with a bad case of syphilis, I'd need a coping mechanism. But I guess when you have a Zen-like peace about you, it's just "whatever."

And that was NOT the way that I thought this post was gonna go.


The Icon said...

No, Tiffany, YOU are a traitor to your government on Earth-2. That does not "rock."

Derek, where did you think it was going to go?

D said...

I was hoping it involved a certain one of us (me) having a power ring and a leather coat.